17 October 2009

charitable fashion: aldo

aldo is once again offering affordable accessories for purchase with all the proceeds benefitting youthAIDS. the $10 tote will provide one youth with the information and tools he or she needs to be protected from h.i.v. for one year.

this bag can also be utilized as an eco-friendly reusable shopping tote.

*don't you love when helping the world looks so good?*

available in stores or online: http://www.aldoshoes.com/us/pages/storesection/afaus

14 October 2009

support the marriage protection act!

7 reasons to go see ‘where the wild things are’ by the film school rejects

i cannot even begin to tell you how excited i am to see this movie!!!
if i can find a decent fabric, i want to be max for halloween!
click on the link for a really excellent and thorough review.

aren't these stills GORGEOUS??? definitely a whole new world...

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protect the skin you're in

chloe sevigny is the newest celeb to pose for marc jacobs' "protect the skin you're in" line of t-shirts.

proceeds from the $35 shirt will be donated to the nyu cancer institute at nyu langone medical center.
they are available at the marc jacobs store in nyc.

quotable: jason lewis

"maybe i have, you know, a little bit of a following in the bedroom..."

see previous post's vid. also ogle the man candy that is jason lewis.
(p.s. in case you don't know, he's not being overly confident, he was samantha jones' love interest on "sex and the city".)

AD LOVE: jason lewis for charisma bedding

i would not mind cuddling up with him...

behind the scenes vid:

13 October 2009

AD LOVE: pantene pro-v thailand

pantene pro-v in thailand doesn't just do a little 30 second spot with hair swooshing all about, they want to inspire you with a mini-movie. interesting... i enjoyed watching it, but i am not going to change my shampoo. would this vid inspire you to buy their product?

sell the vatican, feed the world. by sarah silverman

10 October 2009

dwarves found "theme park" commune to escape bullying

A community of dwarves has set up its own village to escape discrimination from normal sized people.

Everyone in the mountain commune in Kunming, southern China, must be under 4ft 3 ins tall and they run their own police force and fire brigade from their 120 residents.
Now the group has turned itself into a tourist attraction by building mushroom houses and living and dressing like fairy tale characters.

"As small people we are used to being pushed around and exploited by big people. But here there aren't any big people and everything we do is for us," said spokesman Fu Tien.
The idea of housing dwarves in special compounds would be anathema in the West, and the village has sparked fierce debates among expats living in China.
"When I first heard this I pictured myself obscure freak shows from a hundred years back," wrote one commenter on the GoKunming website. "Pay the entrance fee and you can watch these people perform."
But others said that it was the dwarves' best chance of employment given the surplus of labour in China.
"We might feel aghast at treating humans this way but this is the best way the Chinese government can deal with the situation right now," wrote Tonyaod.
"Go back a hundred years or so in our culture and we will see that we did the same thing à la the freakshows and the circus."


unbelievable and unjust

New Oklahoma law will publicy post details of women’s abortions online.

On Nov. 1, a law in Oklahoma will go into effect that will collect personal details about every single abortion performed in the state and post them on a public website. Implementing the measure will “cost $281,285 the first year and $256,285 each subsequent year.” Here are the first eight questions that women will have to reveal:
1. Date of abortion
2. County in which abortion performed
3. Age of mother
4. Marital status of mother
(married, divorced, separated, widowed, or never married)
5. Race of mother
6. Years of education of mother
(specify highest year completed)
7. State or foreign country of residence of mother
8. Total number of previous pregnancies of the mother
Live Births
Induced Abortions

Although the questionnaire does not ask for name, address, or “any information specifically identifying the patient,” as Feminists for Choice points out, these eight questions could easily be used to identify a woman in a small community. “They’re really just trying to frighten women out of having abortions,” Keri Parks, director of external affairs at Planned Parenthood of Central Oklahoma, said. The Center for Reproductive Rights is challenging the law, arguing that “it violates the Oklahoma Constitution because it ‘covers more than one subject’ — a challenge that previously worked to strike down an abortion ultrasound law.”

here are some comments posted in response to this too:
>>"This is an outrage! ALL medical records are to be kept private! What’s next? Publishing who is on Birth Control? I don’t see anyone demanding that MEN have to release information if they get Viagra."
>>"New Oklahoma law will publicy post details of women’s abortions online.
– - In which public square will they have the bonfire burning of these women?"
>>"I can’t get over this. Why are people so dumb to allow this to happen? I thought the Righties were so concerned about the ‘Government’ taking over everything, and yet, they allow this? Peeking into private medical records? Pulbishing personal information?"
>>"Before this law goes could someone post all of personal details of the “lawmakers” who voted for this? Phone numbers, addresses and e-mail addresses should be included so they can be contacted about the absurdity of this."
>>"Fundies are worried about abortions but could care less about healthcare and education. "
>>"Does Oklahoma really have $256,285 to $281,285 a year to spend on this? Wouldn’t that money be more useful… say… hiring teachers, paying for police equipment, or paying for flu shots for underprivileged kids? Aren’t we in the middle of an economic crisis? Oh right, we’re 'in recovery.'"
>>"What this country is desperately in need of is a constitutional amendment protecting the right to privacy. So-called conservatives make a big deal about government staying out of peoples lives. Conservative and hypocrite now have the same definition."
>>"Wouldn’t this violate HIPAA laws? Also, by forcing only women to reveal personal private information (and not men), doesn’t this also violate the 14th Amendment?"
>>"I say, fine as long as they produce information about the person who fathered the embryo. like how many other women he’s knocked up, his race, age, and county he did the deed in.
If they’re trying to prevent unplanned pregnancies, they should also threaten the father, and in small communities, it’ll be easier to figure out his identity as well."


09 October 2009

AD LOVE: wonderful pistachios

besides the fact that he shouldn't be in any commercials, or even be around anymore (his 15 minutes are totally up...), this commercial is amusing. the tag line is great: "now levi johnston does it with protection." hilar.

vid: how to fold a shirt in two seconds!

pretty genius way to fold your clothes! of course it was a japanese lady who figured this out. they are folding mavens. their gift-wrapping is also fairly spectacular. :)

quotable: giambattista valli

"an actress ought to be an actress, and a fashion designer ought to be a fashion designer. these are their own professions, so everybody ought to concentrate on one thing. i chose, in my life, to be a fashion designer."
-former ungaro art director giambattista valli to fashion week daily on lindsay lohan as ungaro's current  artistic advisor. (***such a train wreck, btw. oy, linds. get thee to rehab...)